Friday, August 21, 2009


I'm moving to St. Louis. I accepted a position as a worship leader in O'Fallon, which is about 15 minutes east of St. Louis, and even less from where I spent my life from the age of 2 until I was 10. The church has offered to help pay for my masters in Music Theory - right now it's kind of just a choice of where I want to get it from...Washington University or SIUE. Washington University also has a Dr. program available in music theory....hopefully I'll stay long enough to complete that. The church is about 400 people, and pretty diverse in age. They are looking to move forward with their music style as well as their musicianship. There is alot of raw, undeveloped talent. It won't be easy. There are many improvements, rules, and adjustments that need to be made, but the spirit of the worship team seems so teachable. I have never met a more humble, willing group of people. Gos has opened so many doors for me and proven His faithfulness over and over again. I am getting to do what I love. The Pastor pretty much commanded me to arrange music for the worship team. No arguments there. Basically, I was terrified to leave home, and comfort, and familiarity, but I am now more confident than ever that I am doing what I am supposed to be. I am also more tired than I have ever been in a long time because I am now officially and I'm going to bed. Night.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Blog, people!

I'd really like people to start blogging. Why?

1. It will motivate me to blog about something meaningful.
2. I will have something to read.
3. It is written, "Thou shalt blog. Often."

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

I'm tired of titling my posts.

So I've made quite a few important decisions in the past couple of weeks and I have many more ahead.

I recently interviewed for a job working with insurance claims. It is decent money and it would be a good start to a financially secure future. I got a green light from all three managers, but something inside me just felt like it wasn't right. It was so safe and easy...and not what I want to do. I felt this guilt for even interviewing for it. I went to college for 4 years learning about music, performing it, and developing my talents; I couldn't just turn my back on it now. I turned them down.

In the meantime, I've been putting my resume out to churches across the country, looking for a position as a worship leader. Needless to say, this felt right. I've gotten some responses back and I'm actually going to follow up on a position in an area I already know quite well. I will be trying-out there soon, so pray for me.

I rode a horse on Sunday night. BIG mistake. I had him going at a nice little trot for a felt really natural. I thought to myself, "Self, you could be a cowboy. You could live off on a ranch in the middle of nowhere. Just you and your trusted horse." While I was thinking this, Satan's Steed (I don't know his real name, but I figure this surely fits him better than his real name) starts to go buck wild when he sees the corral, galloping off to return home. I'm not a cowboy. I'm not a lover of animals. I am not good with balance. I felt myself starting to go off. The horse was going crazy, so I decided to bail. I jumped off the horse as he was running back to his home. I fell on my side and rolled quite a few times. If you ask me, it looked pretty James Bond-ish...but just ask me. Anyways, my mother insisted that I go to the doctor. I arrived to a nurse that resembled the foreign chick in Dodgeball - the super tall one reminiscent of a man. Anyways, I show her my bruise and she freaks out. If she freaked out, I thought I should too. So the last couple of days I've been limping around with a 3rd butt-cheek, woman-hips on one side, or a grapefruit-sized bruise on my left thigh...whatever you want to call it. Moral of the story: If you can't control it, don't ride it.