Saturday, July 25, 2009


I'm trying to decide if it's a good thing when it takes a friend a long time to respond back to me, whether it be via e-mail, phone call, or any other source of media. On one hand, it makes me think that they believe they are a close enough friend that I don't necessarily need them to respond right family. If I don't have the time to talk to me family right away, I give them a call later...and they are fine with that. On the other hand, you also can't help but wonder if maybe they are trying to cut-off the relationship...or maybe they're just busy...or forgetful...or maybe you just really don't mean that much to them. Quite the predicament.


Emily said...

I hope you aren't talking about me.

I'm replying to your message tomorrow, I promise.

ellie said...

You ARE the killer of facebook messages...

Alicia W. said...

haha. Like when it took you 2 weeks to call me back? alright.. alright.. haha. (which btw- I have been killer busy and will call you back asap again asap!)