Tuesday, June 23, 2009


I ran a mile today and I actually lifted with my legs today. The bursitis in my arm has forced me to find new, and strange ways to exercise...like running and squats.

I finally got sick of eating PB and J today and I decided to make brats. To some, this may not be much of an achievement, but to me (domestically challenged) it was one of the most heroic and courageous things I've done lately. I made them in a skillet. I didn't even know you could do that. Granted, I burned the first two, but I quickly caught on and made two more delicious, golden brown cheddar brats. MMmmmmm...meat.

I made $20 in tips the other night and all I did was sing once and do 2 carry-outs. Not bad on top of $11 an hour.

My phone just killed itself. I was outside talking to my mom not that long ago, and my phone started hissing angrily at me and went ka-put. LAME. All of my electronics are failing. First my laptop, now this. I think God wants me to become a Freeman in the boondocks of Montana and give up my evil technological advances in order to cleanse my filthy spirit and evil desires.

and.........the computer I am on just froze up and I had to copy and save this blog in word and paste it in here again.

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