Me: ready to take on the world...
All the seniors here at Evangel are talking about how much they are going to miss Evangel and how they never want these years to end...I'm right there with them, but I can't help but wonder the plans that God has in store for me. I am spending the summer here and I know that it will be fun, but I also know that if I stick around Springfield too long, I'll get caught up living in the past, wanting to be back in school again. I don't want that. I need to make my own way and explore new possibilities. Just because what I'm experiencing right now is completely new and foreign to me doesn't mean that I should be afraid of it. Yes I will miss my friends, but I can make new ones, get a fresh start, and begin to actually live the life that I spent 16 years in school for. I'm looking forward to it! Here I come world...be gentle with me.