Best things about my cruise to the Caribbean:
1. All you can eat. Eat up, you already paid for it. Get 2 appetizers...2 desserts...and try snail. If you don't like the lamb you ordered, no biggy, order something else. YOU PAID FOR IT.
2. My waitor from Hungary (who I really think is with the Russian mob, after seeing him on the beach with his slicked back hair, black beater, and camo pants tippig back a beer and smoking a cigar) named Zoltan, or as we called him, "Z". Not only are we now facebook friends, but he offered to buy me drinks on the beach when he spent the day with us. Don't worry Covenant, I declined.
3. Joel Palmquist coming into the room, shouting "SUPERMAN" as he leaped to his bed in the pitch black, only to find that he was about 3 feet short.
4. The mexicans mistaking my indecision for bartering techniques.
5. Being on the beach for the first time. The combination of white sand and blue-green water was overwhelming.
6. Realizing that sunscreen was made to protect me, but when you rub it in unevenly you can make a burn that looks like snoopy on your back.
7. Assisting in the smuggling of cigars to the U.S. in tampons wrappers.
8. Making new friends at the hot tub and actually remembering their names the next time I saw them.
9. Making fun of Joel about losing his money only for him to leave $500 dollars richer...maybe there is something to gambling...
10. Waking up to our door open two night in a row. The first night we all woke up and heard voices, then we realized our door was open. Thing is, our door can only be opened with a card-key...and everyine in our room was asleep. Next night, I am awake when our door slowly creaks open. I throw the covers off and run out to the hallway only to find that no one is there...with hundreds of feet of hallway on either side of our door...not an easy quick escape. We finally got wise the 3rd night and dead-bolted the door, but only after one of my roomies told us that he saw a figure in the doorway the first night. Creeps.